Menemukan Bonus Poker & Kasino Online Terbaik


Ada banyak ruang poker online di luar sana yang bersaing untuk bisnis Anda. Sama seperti kasino mana pun, sebagian besar menawarkan bonus berharga untuk memikat pelanggan baru. Ini adalah hal yang baik untuk Anda, konsumen! Banyak kasino online dan ruang poker akan menawarkan “bonus setoran” kepada pemain yang membuat akun baru. Banyak yang akan mencocokkan setoran awal Anda dengan, $ 100, $ 200, $ 300, hingga $ 1100. Dengan uang sebanyak itu di bankroll kasino online Anda, Anda akan melihat banyak kartu dan memainkan banyak permainan, meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk memenangkan uang besar.

Ini juga bisa menjadi cara untuk membeli turnamen berikutnya yang telah Anda perhatikan. Sudah punya akun  situs judi slot online terpercaya di ruang poker atau kasino online itu? Buat saja yang baru dan klaim uang gratis Anda. Ini adalah keuntungan yang hanya dimiliki kasino online, nikmatilah selagi masih ada!

Beberapa ruang poker online akan meminta Anda untuk mengirimkan “kode bonus” saat mendaftar, tetapi kebanyakan lebih maju dan akan menerapkannya secara otomatis.

Jadi, Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa Anda dapat melakukan deposit, menunggu kasino mencocokkan, lalu menarik bankroll Anda dengan keuntungan yang lumayan. Kasino online memang memudahkan untuk mendapatkan bonus gratis Anda, tetapi mereka mengharuskan Anda bertaruh sejumlah uang sebelum semua bonus Anda diterapkan. Ini dapat diatasi dengan memainkan banyak permainan kecil dan bermain secara konservatif. Dengan bonus setoran besar, Anda dapat menikmati bermain di kasino online untuk waktu yang lama!

Sebagian besar kasino online menawarkan bonus terbatas. Artinya adalah bahwa jumlah bonus tidak dirilis ke akun Anda sampai Anda telah memainkan sejumlah tangan yang ditentukan. Jumlah tangan bervariasi tergantung pada situs tetapi biasanya tidak lebih dari yang diharapkan untuk dimainkan dalam beberapa sesi. Kasino online membuat informasi ini tersedia untuk Anda di panel kontrol anggota Anda.

Jangan pernah mendaftar akun baru di kasino tanpa menggunakan promosi. Itu akan membuang uang gratis! Kasino online atau ruang poker yang Anda sukai mungkin tidak menawarkan bonus sebesar yang lain pada waktu tertentu. Anda dapat menunggu atau memilih kasino lain untuk saat ini. Satu hal yang pasti, jika Anda berbicara tentang kasino online atau ruang poker, maka ada beberapa promosi untuk mereka, di suatu tempat.

Internet Poker A Beginners Guide


Beberapa orang tidak suka mengunjungi kasino tetapi lebih suka bermain poker. Adalah ide yang baik untuk memilih permainan poker internet jika Anda tidak memiliki cukup waktu untuk mengunjungi kasino judi agen judi bola . Permainan poker internet menjadi sangat populer karena dapat dijalankan dalam kenyamanan rumah Anda. Dua hal penting yang Anda perlukan untuk memainkannya adalah komputer dan koneksi internet berkecepatan tinggi.

Internet poker adalah permainan strategis yang sedikit berbeda dengan versi fisik di beberapa sisi. Tidak seperti variasi fisik, Anda tidak dapat melihat gerakan tubuh lawan yang membuat permainan sulit untuk menilai responsnya. Jadi sebagai gantinya, holdem online lebih berfokus pada mempelajari pola taruhan oposisi.

Untuk bermain holdem internet, hal pertama yang harus Anda lakukan adalah memilih situs poker. Ruang holdem adalah tempat di internet yang memberi Anda kesempatan untuk bermain dan bertaruh. Ada berbagai kamar yang tersedia dan mereka dapat memberikan pengalaman yang sangat berbeda tergantung di mana Anda bermain. Salah satu ruang holdem paling populer adalah Party holdem yang memiliki hampir tujuh puluh ribu orang bermain pada waktu tertentu sepanjang hari.

Jika Anda telah memutuskan untuk bermain holdem online maka Anda harus meluangkan waktu untuk memeriksa bonus. Bonus holdem adalah kredit tambahan yang diberikan oleh situs poker. Karena meningkatnya persaingan di dunia game, perusahaan memanfaatkan banyak cara untuk mempromosikan bisnis online mereka. Salah satu metode promosi online adalah memperluas bonus dan hadiah. Bonus ditawarkan dalam bentuk kode yang kemudian dimasukkan ketika Anda mendaftar di situs poker. Saat Anda melakukan pembayaran, bonus ditambahkan sebagai kredit gratis.

Juga sangat dianjurkan untuk mengunjungi majalah holdem sebelum mencoba bermain di situs holdem online karena mereka memberikan ulasan menyeluruh pada masing-masing dengan rincian tentang insentif terbaru yang tersedia. Mereka juga akan memberikan wawasan tentang turnamen saat ini yang tersedia dan ruang holdem mana yang daftarqq populer. Sehubungan dengan mempelajari, atau meningkatkan permainan holdem online Anda, disarankan untuk mengunjungi forum atau komunitas online di mana sesama pemain holdem mendiskusikan strategi dengan seluk beluk apa dan apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan.

Kode Wilayah DVD – Cara Mengalahkannya


Saya seorang George Clooney tipe pria yang tenang (tanpa ketampanan, sayangnya), tetapi tidak ada yang membuat saya lebih marah daripada masalah Kode Wilayah DVD.

Belum pernah dengar tentang mereka? Biar saya jelaskan.

Bayangkan saja Anda membeli CD musik dari negara lain saat berlibur, atau mungkin memesannya secara online. Tetapi situs judi online ketika Anda memasukkan disk tersebut ke dalam pemutar Anda, tidak ada musik yang manis – hanya pesan singkat yang memberi tahu Anda “Wilayah Salah: CD Amerika Utara dikodekan untuk hanya diputar di Amerika Utara, CD Eropa hanya akan diputar di Eropa”. . . dan seterusnya.

Anda akan merasa ingin memukul gitar atau menginjak drum set, bukan? (Tenang, penggemar musik – CD akan diputar di mana saja di planet ini).

Tidak demikian halnya dengan DVD. Sungguh ADA Kode Wilayah yang mencegah Anda memutar DVD yang diperoleh dari negara lain.

Katakanlah Anda tinggal di AS atau Kanada dan Anda atau Paman Joe Anda baru saja kembali dari Eropa, misalnya, dengan film James Bond Casino Royale – atau film dokumenter wisata yang menarik di Lembah Rhine. Anda memasukkannya ke dalam pemutar DVD dan mendapatkan pesan “Wilayah Salah” terkutuk itu. Sama halnya jika Anda tinggal di London dan membeli DVD wisata Grand Canyon dalam perjalanan Anda ke AS

Halo, itu Frisbee mahal yang baru saja Anda beli!

Beberapa perusahaan kecil mengeluarkan cakram DVD “Bebas Wilayah” yang dapat diputar di mana saja di dunia, tetapi perusahaan besar studio tidak.

Terus terang saja: Masalah pengkodean seluruh wilayah (ada enam wilayah berbeda !!) adalah penipuan besar-besaran yang dilakukan oleh industri film. Studio-studio tersebut ingin mengontrol kapan DVD akan dirilis di berbagai belahan dunia dan mereka juga ingin agar ANDA berhenti menawar selama perjalanan Anda. Misalnya saya telah melihat tiga film Jurassic Park dalam satu set kotak seharga $ 15 AS saat mengunjungi Inggris. Edisi khusus Citizen Kane? $ 8 AS di London. Ditto Bridge on the River Kwai edisi 2 cakram. Edisi khusus Brief Encounter klasik? $ 5 yang luar biasa di Inggris.

Ingat – tidak ada yang ilegal tentang membeli DVD apa pun yang Anda suka dari mana pun Anda suka di planet ini. Hollywood tidak ingin Anda menontonnya! Tapi itu lebih dari sekadar tawar-menawar. Beberapa materi asing, seperti dokumenter atau film seni yang tidak dikenal TIDAK AKAN PERNAH tersedia di Amerika Utara. Bagaimana dengan hak-hak konsumen – mengapa Anda tidak dapat membeli apa yang Anda suka dan membawanya pulang untuk digunakan di sini – seperti yang dapat Anda lakukan dengan CD musik?

Anda harus melakukannya. Semua kuasa kepada negara-negara seperti Australia dan Selandia Baru yang menyatakan Kode Wilayah DVD melanggar aturan perdagangan bebas internasional – dan ingin melarang praktik keji ini.

How to Increase Your Profits in Poker


Finally a database that offers you instant stats on your own opponents. It’s possible to earn more money playing poker from knowing exactly what type of player you’re against.

It’s possible to view an opponents past sbobet casino stats. When playing your preferred poker room you’ll get an automated profile of that player. This permits you to be aware of whether you’re playing”Fish” or”Sharks” at the desk. You may know your opponents percent stats on flops seen and showdowns won. You will also receive more than twenty other calculations on your opponent.

This invaluable tool updates after every hand. Every time a new player sits down in your table you may know if the gamer is loose or competitive immediately. This allows you to make additional money by focusing on how this player enjoys to bet. Playing poker online use to be considered a guessing game because you can’t see your opponent if you can’t watch him or her. This database automatically gives you the top hand.

You can also click on a desk and also get all the stats on each player before you start playing, allowing you to find out where the quick money is. This database is this a priceless tool. So if you’re serious about poker and also would like to earn money playing poker, then this is a tool you can not live without.

Ante up and get the internet poker playing tool that’ll improve your profits. You are going to be able to come across those easy tables and the”loose” players. Good Luck.

College Football Notebook


I have been called many things more than 22 years in this business but I’ve NEVER been called a BCS expert. In all honesty, just who’d WANT to be known as one? That being said, we’re stuck with all the BCS discovering college football’s national title game match up & most individuals are somewhat nervous these days, as almost everybody is expecting a Texas/USC or USC/Texas (whichever way you would like ) show-down in this year’s Rose Bowl.

The first BCS standings were released on October 17 and there were rumors while USC would be No. 1, consensus No. 2 at the polls Texas, would find itself from Va Tech from the standings. I am here for some time to remind agen judi bola that since the BCS’ beginning in 1998, both teams ranked second and first in the initial standings of the calendar year, have NEVER met in the BCS’ season-ending title game!

Shifting, the second BCS standings were released last Monday. In somewhat of a surprise, USC fell to No. 2 with Texas moving up to the amount 1 spot. The perimeter of .0007, has been the closest-ever between the first two spots in the standings history. USC possesses the country’s longest winning streak in 29 games (Texas has got the second best streak at just 14!) , has been ranked No. 1 in the AP poll for 26 successive polls (an alltime record) and is the most popular defending national champion but today finds itself in No. 2!

For USC fans, it isn’t quite as bad as it’s sounds. USC is comfortably ahead of No. 3 Va Tech and also remember, No. 2 is simply as great as No. 1 in this’game’, while they both advance to the Rose Bowl. Actually, Texas, that has no longer ranked teams on its own remaining schedule, is at greater danger of falling out of one the top two areas than USC. The Trojans still possess Cal (No. 2 3 at the BCS), Fresno State (unranked at the BCS however 22nd at the AP and 24 from the coaches’ poll) and UCLA (No. 9 from the BCS) in their agenda.

Currently, Va Tech is in the”dreaded” No. 3 spot (visit USC in 2003 and Auburn at 2004). Nevertheless, the Hokies drama Boston College (BCS No. 1-2 ) Thursday night plus still have Miami-Fl (No. 8 in the BCS) and a possible ACC title-game show down on tap with Florida State on December 3 (No. 11 at the BCS), to boost their computer rankings. These days, you can find SIX unbeatens staying in college football and it’s possible that the entire year can wind up as much as four.

Either USC or UCLA needs to reduce when those teams meet on December 3 and also assuming Georgia and Alabama were to remain unbeaten at the ending of their normal season, both the Bulldogs and Crimson Tide would match in the SEC title game, dropping one or the other from the ranks of the united states.

Discussing of unbeatens, Alabama, Georgia, Texas, UCLA, USC and also Va Tech are 7-0. However, only Texas is a perfect 7-0 ATS. The teams united ATS indicate is 26-16, or 61.9 per cent. At the other end of the spectrum, FOUR Division I-A schools enter this weekend’s action winless. Of the four, only Rice, at 0-6 ATS, can also be winless contrary to the points! The joint ATS markers of those four richest universities is 11 17 roughly 39.3 per cent.

Here is an interesting fact. You’ve often heard me and many others refer to this pointspread since the”great equalizer.” This is why? Both unbeatens of course have a winning percentage of 1.000 and the 4 winless teams are at.000. But, you will realize that when you compare the two groups’ SU winning percentage versus their ATS percentages, here is what you’ll get. Even the unbeatens’ ATS percentage is .619, a big difference of .381. In terms of the teams that are contentious. Pretty darn close!

Before leaving this talk of unbeatens and winless teams, I’d be remiss if I didn’t cite both Duke and Purdue (although I’m convinced those schools would rather I didn’t!) . While Texas is still the nation’s ONLY perfect ATS faculty, Rice is not the nation’s only winless ATS faculty. Joining the Owls are all Duke and Purdue. The Blue Devils are 17 SU however 0-7 ATS, beating only VMI at a non-lined match. As for the Boilermakersthey are 2-5 SU but 0-7 ATS, since they won but didn’t insure Akron and Arizona to start the year, before losing their past five games both SU and ATS!

How are those new head trainers doing?

In another of the many pre season articles, I mentioned 23 of the nation’s 119 Division I-A schools (nearly 20 percent! ) ) Would start the 2005 season having a different head coach than they had finished together in 2004. Are most of those schools better to the shift? I won’t spend time listing each faculty’s individual record but alphabetically from BYU to Western Michigan, the 23 schools which changed head coaches for the 2005 year moved a collective 114-149 (.433) in 2004 using an ATS list of 117-138-2 (.459).

When a tree falls in the forest and there is nobody around to hear itdoes it make a sound? While the overall numbers are pretty similar from this past season for this season, listed below are just seven schools that have surely noticed a change, either good or bad.

Jump Holtz has East Carolina at 3-3 SU and 5-1 ATS, after the Pirates went 2-9 SU and 56 ATS in 2004 (ECU was a joint 3-20 at’04 and’03). Hal Mumme brought his supposed”Air Raid” offense to lascruces however, the Aggies of New Mexico State are averaging only 14.3 PPG and are 0-7 SU and 2-5 ATS after going 5-6 (6-5) at 2004. Mike Gundy took at Oklahoma State and also the Cowboys are 3 4 SU (wins have developed over Iaa Montana State, Fla Atlantic and Ark S T ) and 1-5 ATS, following a 7-5 (7-5) 2004.

Greg Robinson got his first head coaching job, after 30 years at the commercial, in Syracuse this year. Yet, his Mid Season report card isn’t good, as the Orange are 16 SU and 25 ATS after going 66 (8-4) at Paul Pasqualoni’s final year (had 11 winning seasons in 14 years at Syracuse!) .Utah place the college football world on its ear in 2004, becoming the very first non-BCS seminar school to get a BCS bowl bid plus finished 12-0 (10-2 ATS). But, Urban Meyer left for Florida (where he is a disappointing 5-2 SU and 34 ATS) with former DC Kyle Whittingham taking over for the Utes and going only 4-4 and also a pitiful 1 7 ATS so far from 2005. Things are looking up in Kalamazoo nowadays (try writing that with a straight face!) , as Bill Cubit within his very first year as a Division I-A head trainer, has got the Broncos 43 SU and 2 4 ATS after the faculty finished 2004 at 1 10 (37 ).

Weis, together with no one of his or her own recruits, took over a crime that had finished 108th in the country in total offense in 2002, 90th in 2003 and 81st at 2004. After seven games of the 2005 season, Notre Dame is currently 8th in total offense (492.7 YPG), 12th in scoring (37.9 PPG) and 5-2 SU (6 1 ATS). After going 66 SU and ATS at 2004 and 57 SU (48 ) at 2003, Weis has the Irish ranked 9th in the latest AP poll, 10th at the most recent coaches’ poll and 15th (?) At the most recent BCS standings. He has got a QB (Brady Quinn) that’s breaking Notre Dame passing records to a weekly basis and are the Heisman frontrunner or even for 2 guys from USC and a QB out of Texas called Young. Most importantly, he’s got the Irish in line for a BCS bowl if he could win-out.

Out of respect to this Willingham family, ” I won’t cite how Notre Dame’s former head trainer is doing in Washington. On 2nd thought, ” I don’t know any person in his loved ones, so what the hell. Willingham gets the Huskies 16 SU and 2-4 ATS throughout seven games, together with his lone win coming over an Idaho team that’s 16. In fairness to Ty, he also inherited a team that has been 1 10 (37 ) in 2004.

When is the Right Time to Move From Free Poker Rooms to Real Money Poker Rooms?

Knowing when the proper time to move from free poker rooms to real money poker rooms is a critical question and one that any poker player should ask, in order to evaluate themselves and their abilities.

So when is the right time to make this critical move? One of the best indicators of your game is the level of confidence you have playing in the free poker rooms. If you really sat down and thought about it, asking the tough questions like am I ready?, you would be able to ascertain if you’re ready or not agen judi bola.

Ask yourself these questions in regards to your game in the free poker rooms, bearing in mind that you want to be playing in the real money poker rooms. Remember, what you’re talking about here is your current level of play. Be honest with yourself, as you are the only one who is going to be losing their shirt if you aren’t truthful.

Are you winning enough hands that you think you would have a decent chance of holding your own in the real money poker sites?

Do you feel that you are well versed in knowing the odds of various card combinations that come up at the table?

In the free poker rooms, are you winning more money than losing?

Do you know what area of your game you need to improve in?

If you can answer all of these questions truthfully, then you should know if you are ready to move on from the free poker rooms to the real money poker rooms.

Did you know that many online poker players just like you, earn enough from playing poker to pay their monthly mortgage payment? Find out how by following the link below.

Rake Described and Assessing Internet Poker to Call Home Poker

The’rake’ may be explained as the fee the poker room prices people (from here on out’poker room’ or’household’ is speaking into a casino, internet poker space, community card club/poker room, or some game run by an individual(s)). There are usually two methods which can be employed by the house to amass the rake. The first is when the cardroom will consider a percentage of their pot up to and including certain amount. By way of example, they can take 5% up to $3 before they’drive’ the winner their processors. Simply how much the house chooses and what needs must be met before they’rake’ the bud will undoubtedly differ between online poker rooms and’live’ (not online).

The next method, and also the one which will not be discussed in an excessive amount of depth , is what’s known as being a’time charge’. Your home may amass a particular amount of income every half hour or hour out of all those players taking part in with. The time fee procedure is generally used because of its reduce limit matches, and also even in the mid to high limit games, it is perhaps not always employed. From here on out’the rake’ will simply refer to the rake that is collected from individual pots. This could be
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conventional method that many poker players have been used to and also are the attention of the rest of the short article.

Dwell poker rooms can have various requirements of whether they rake the bud and also at what percent. For dwell poker rooms that the percentage is usually 10% and also, depending on the poker space, can have a max of 3 -$5. Some poker rooms also have a minimum rake they choose from every kettle, whatever size. For instance, when there’s a 1/2 NL video game and also the blinds are $1 plus $2, they may possibly simply take up to $2 from the pot on the flop. This means that if everyone folds to the tiny blind, then she or he requires the massive blind, and the huge blind checksthat your house will likely amass as much as 3 (depending on their own coverages ), even though they are heads up and the pot simply includes $4. Your home will subsequently take a second dollar the moment the pot reaches $40 (10 percent of $40 is 4, nevertheless they will have already taken $3) and, in case there’s $5, they are going to subsequently choose another dollar at $50.

Because most players understand contributing $2 in order to get 1 is a tough suggestion, many poker rooms will permit the small blind and big blind to’chop’. It follows they can either get their blinds back should they both agree it is suitable. It needs to be done before the flop and no additional players can be in front of the hand. Poker rooms that do obtain rake no matter how many gamers you’re if there’s a flop, so normally have a’no flop, no drop’ coverage. This usually means that if there is no flop, no matter how many raises or how big the bud, the house will not collect some income from your flop. It has to be recalled not all live poker rooms obtain rake if there is just a flop. This really can be regional, but can additionally differ from poker room to poker place at an identical location.

Online poker rake differs in a lot of techniques. The initial is the fact that the percentage of rake that’s ordinarily taken is 5% and this is all but always restricted at $2. Maybe not only is there commonly a max $3 collection, but there is almost always no minimums. In certain games the pot has to become too huge as 30 until the house collects their percent. In matches where your house collects 5 percent, because of simplicity, they can split how they acquire in to’pennies’. This implies about the $20 pot there might be a rake of $0.50. For online games, there’s perhaps not the possibility to chop if the small blind and big blind are in the hand before the flop.

The aforementioned descriptions of the best way reside poker rooms and on the web poker rooms estimate and amass rake will be the absolute most frequently made methods used. As was mentionedthe guidelines will probably change, but a majority of poker rooms use the above rules and using these as tips can assist the poker participant (if a novice or newcomer ) pick which variant provides the maximum return. There are many other aspects which determine that the profitability of a poker game also it’d be foolish to base match pick solely on the rake collected.

It’s fairly obvious the maximum rake that your house accumulates in live games is quite a significant amount greater compared to just online. Even though it had been presumed they simply charged a maximum of $3 the minimums are much higher than on the web poker rooms. Seeing a flop with about three folks and $9 in the bud ($6 soon after the rake is obtained ), as an example, produces a negative predicted value that’s somewhat tough to overcome. It’s likewise harmless to deduce this one pays more per hand in a live setting as opposed to online.

Even though is raked each hand in a live poker game, the amount that’s paid each hour is comparable. In a live game, if a ordinary rake each hands is 3, but there’s only 30 hands an hour, the house will collect 90/hr. After playing online there’s an average of 70 hands an houror two. If the normal rake collected each hand is 1.50, then the hourly rate collection from the dining table will be 105.